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Matt Her


Matt is 16 years old and has played the clarinet since the age of 9.  He is a junior at Lexington High School.  Previously, Matt studied under Kerstin Schreiber, and he is currently a student of Sugon Song.  Matt lkes reading and Robotic Assembly, and he plays various sports including soccer, tennis, and skiing.  He is also a member of the LHS Science Olympiad Club.  

Brian Her 


Brian is 15 years old and has played the clarinet since the age of 7.  He is a freshman at WM Diamond Middle School. Previously Brian studied under Kerstin Schreiber, and he is currently a student of Sugon Song. Brian likes playing chess, painting, and playing various sports including soccer, futsal, and skiing. In the Massachusetts Track&Field State Championship, Brian won several medals, including 1st prize in Track.

Eunice Yun


Eunice Yun is currently a 8th grader at the Fayerweather Street School. She has played the piano for five years and has recently taken up the viola a few months ago. 


In her free time, Eunice enjoys playing tennis, reading, and annoying her older brother.



We are active and proud members of BYMC.  We play at many of the concerts, and occasionally participate in fundraising and organizing.

Euna Lee

Euna Lee is currently a freshman at Boston College. She studied under Magdalena Richter at the New England Conservatory and has played the violin progressively throughout the years.


In her early years, she played in the West Virginia Youth Symphony Orchestra for 3 years. There, she was both principle 2nd and concertmistress. After moving to Massachusetts, she participated in the NEC Orchestras as a 1st violinist: JRO, YRO, YSO, and YPO in middle school. In YS, she was 1st violin 2nd stand and concert mistress for the tour to Costa Rica. She also took part in the Eastern Junior and Senior Districts as well as All-States, in which she was seated 1st violin 3rd stand. At school, Euna takes Orchestra Ensemble as concert mistress and is currently a 1st violinist at Boston Philharmonic Youth Orchestra. This year, she plans to compete in many more competitions and continue to develop her musical skills.

Jahyung Yun

Jahyung Yun is a sophomore in highschool at the Boston University Academy. He has played the piano for six years  and the drums for three years. While starting off by playing classical pieces, he has started to dabble in the realm of jazz.


He enjoys eating, reading and playing tennis. 

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